I Want to Help
There are many ways you can help.
QUILTING – Quilts are assembled and tied on the second Tuesday and the fourth Thursday of each month in Fellowship Hall at church starting at 9:00 a.m. This is a great time for fellowship. No sewing experience is needed. If you can tie a knot, you can do it! Bring a sack lunch and join the fun! Arrive anytime between 9:00 and 2:00 and stay as long as you like. You can also help at home by cutting quilt blocks and sewing quilt tops. We rely on the congregation for donations of fabric and colored sheets for quilt backs. The quilt batting is purchased with funds from our rummage sales, our main fundraising project.
BABY SWEATERS – You can help by knitting sweaters or joining the Button Brigade to sew buttons on the sweaters. Sweaters are distributed worldwide in LWR Baby Care Kits and locally to newly baptized members of Trinity and babies cared for at Trinity Learning Center & Pre-School. They are a warm hug from their Trinity family.
LWR KITS – Help assemble kits or shop for supplies.
PRAYER SHAWLS, AFGHANS, & BABY BLANKETS – Use your talents to knit or crochet any of these items. Yarn is available.
FUNERAL LUNCHEONS – Opportunities to help include preparing food, setting tables, serving, clean-up and coordinators who organize any funeral luncheons during a given month.
RUMMAGE SALES VOLUNTEERS – Many hands make the work easy and fun. Before each sale there are sign-up sheets in the narthex to volunteer to help with set-up, pricing, bagging, cashiers, and clean-up. Bring the whole family!
RUMMAGE SALE DONATIONS – Donations of items that are clean, that work, and that you think others will want to buy, are collected at church the week before each sale. Items that cannot be accepted: Large appliances, microwaves, computers, printers, exercise equipment, mattresses, box springs, or any items requiring special disposal like paint, tires or lighting. Car seats, bike helmets, baby play pens or cribs must meet code.
THANKOFFERING – Trinity women use ELCA Thankoffering boxes all year long to collect an offering that is brought to the church on a special Sunday in November. This Thankoffering service has opportunities for women to serve as ushers, greeters, and lay assistant.
BAKING – Lutherans love their coffee! And a tasty treat makes it even better. Trinity members enjoy fellowship, coffee, cookies and other baked goods during the Middle Hour between services on Sunday. Share your baking talents by signing up to help.
To help with any of our projects or for more information contact the church office.