Member Resources

Families need to stay organized, and our Trinity family is no different. Here we have gathered information you may find useful. Please click on one of the links below for more information.

Hospital Visitation: If you, or a family member, are hospitalized, please let the church office know. The pastor, and other staff, make every effort to visit members in the hospital.

Prayer Request: Our Prayer Chain members pray daily forhands reaching to the sky the joys and concerns of others.  Share your troubles or a prayer of thanks.  Prayer requests can remain private or be included in group prayers during worship.

Funerals: When a loved one passes away, your church family is here to walk alongside you. Some people plan their own funeral service in advance. Others tell family members their wishes for favorite hymns or Bible readings.  Sometimes family members plan the funeral service with the help of the pastor. Bulletins will be printed for the service, plans coordinated with the funeral home, and florist deliveries arranged in the narthex. Trinity has funeral coordinators who are available to plan a luncheon, or coffee and dessert, for family and friends following the funeral service. Please contact the pastor or church office for more information.

Trinity CalendarCalendar: Find out what’s happening at Trinity Lutheran Church.

Ministry Scheduler Pro: Trinity uses Ministry Scheduler Pro to coordinate volunteer opportunities on Sunday mornings. No phone calls. You will be contacted by e-mail only. And only when there are unfilled positions when you have said you are available.  Schedule in advance on-line or follow the e-mail link to confirm.  It’s as easy as that.  Click here to see how it works.books

Trinity Library: View the library catalog of books for all ages, sorted by title, author or subject.  We have a selection of large print books, also.

Trinity Forms ListForms: Easy access to a list of church forms – permission slips, registration information for confirmation, baptism, communion and vacation bible school, giving and pledge forms, sermon notes, etc.

Church Wedding InformationPlanning Your Wedding: Find out more information about how Trinity’s Wedding Coordinator can make your day as stress-free as possible as well as a schedule of fees and bridal party information. Contact the church office when scheduling your wedding date and to arrange to meet with the pastor.

Employment Opportunities: Learn about job opportunities here at Trinity.

Trinity History: Learn about Trinity’s history, and why the trillium flower is our symbol.

Contact Information

Trinity Lutheran Church

1410 Rogers St., Stevens Point, WI 54481
Email Us
715-344-2869 Church Office
715-344-2227 Learning Center & Preschool

Worship Service Times


9:00 a.m. In-person and livestream.

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