Endowment & Memorial Gifts

Our Endowment & Memorial Gifts Committee provides supplemental funding for education, youth programs, community and global outreach, music, maintenance of the church building, and other donor-directed projects. This is a special way to give because the gift itself is generally not spent, but generates investment income. When you contribute in this way, your gift will keep on giving and growing for years to come.

Gifts may include:

Some ways funds are used:

Endowment Funds (use interest & income only):

Memorial Funds (use both principle and interest):

Contact Information

Trinity Lutheran Church

1410 Rogers St., Stevens Point, WI 54481
Email Us
715-344-2869 Church Office
715-344-2227 Learning Center & Preschool

Worship Service Times


9:00 a.m. In-person and livestream.

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