Worshiping together is an opportunity for us to pray together, open our hearts, and tell God how truly grateful we are for His endless love and grace. We come together to hear the Word of God, share the Word with others, and understand that the Word is with us in our lives. God’s love is heard and shared at Trinity. Join us for worship this week.
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Choices for Children
Assistance for Special Needs
What to Expect
Lutheran worship has four basic elements: GATHERING with fellow believers, hearing the WORD of God, sharing the MEAL of forgiveness, and then SENDING us out to serve God and our neighbors.
Holy Communion is an integral part of worship. Also known as the Lord’s Supper, or the Meal, communion is the greatest expression of God’s love for His people. The bread and wine of communion represent Christ’s body and blood, shed for the forgiveness of our sins. Trinity offers communion at most worship services. All believers are welcome at The Lord’s table.
- At some worship services communion is at the altar rail. Please take a glass from the tray as you approach the altar. Full glasses have grape juice; empty glasses will be filled with wine. Ushers will direct you as we gather around the altar. You may kneel or stand. After receiving the bread and wine, return to your seat via a side aisle.
- At some worship services communion is by intinction, or dipping the bread in the cup. You will be given a wafer to dip into a chalice. The chalice has two sections, the larger section is wine and the smaller is grape juice.
Gluten-free elements are always available upon request.